Women in Solar

While solar installation and technician jobs may have been dominated by male workers in the past, women are now entering the field at a growing rate. Overall, women make up about one-third of all solar jobs, but when we look at the installer side of the workforce, women still only comprise about 5.5%. Similarly, women make up only about 4% of electrician jobs. There may be a number of reasons for the lower number of women in these hands-on roles. Our education system still doesn't do a great job of encouraging girls to pursue careers in the trades, and the physical and outdoor aspects of installation jobs may not appeal to as many women as men. The male oriented job site culture may also discourage some women from pursuing these jobs.
Given their significant need for qualified workers, solar companies are quite interested in hiring women for a variety of roles. The non-profit GRID Alternatives offers a great series of training courses and installation experiences that can provide a great start for a new career as a solar technician.
To succeed in bringing more women into the solar workforce the industry will need to provide significant training and mentoring opportunities while working to make the job site culture more accepting of everyone, regardless of their background.
Here are some resources for further exploration:
Solar for Women: Installers & Technicians (Facebook Group)

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